Inside the Redzone (D4) – Week 9

There are only two weeks remaining in the season and the playoff picture is heating up, however, the talk of the league is the Warriors’ big win against the Triple Sixers. I spoke to Nicky McGuire and he had this to say “It was actually disappointing; I thought they had more to show us than just that, especially after all the scouting. They definitely showed a lot of confidence in our defense when they started their back up QB but we used it as motivation.” I followed up by asking about Patrick Jerome and he replied “He is just some dude. I wasn’t looking at individuals; I was focusing on my own game and our team. We have a lot of firepower and weapons so people can’t double team or man up against me.” Strong words by superstar WR, Nicky McGuire, who talks the talk, and walks the walk. Congratulations to the Warriors for winning the highly anticipated match up and staying undefeated. Look out Dirty Birds, you might have company!
Les manchettes
Les Warriors sont-ils invincibles?
Depuis leur victoire de la semaine dernière, les Warriors se plaisent à dire qu’ils méritent désormais l’étiquette d’intouchables. Après une éclatante victoire de 51-32 au cours de laquelle Drew Br…euh s’cusez… Norman Weeks passa pour 280 verges et 7 TC (14-19), dont 129 verges et 2 TC à Craig O’Brien, qui oserait prétendre le contraire? Ajouter à cela un Ryan Perry en grande forme avec 2 INT dont une retournée pour un touché et vous avez la recette miracle pour le championnat! Ah oui, j’oubliais….leurs adversaires étaient les puissants Triple Sixers! Il semblerait que ces derniers ne s’inquìetent pas plus qu’il ne le faut à propos du résultat et que, pour eux, le match ne revêtait aucune importance. Pour l’instant, je ne peux qu’affirmer une chose : Warriors 1 – Triple Sixers 0.
En Feu!
Certaines équipes semblent avoir réalisé que les séries approchent et du coup, elles se sont soudainement mises à profiter d’un phénomène paranormal bien connu : la combustion spontanée! Flight of the Conchords qui vient tout juste de défaire les Gators, surfe sur une vague de chaleur qui dure depuis 2 matchs. Si l’équipe réussit à aligner des victoires dans leurs dernières parties de la saison, lesquelles les opposeront à Gieuth et Guerillaz, FOTC pourrait se retrouver en position de commande au deuxième rang de la conférence!
Une autre équipe sur la pente ascendante est certainement BOOM! Goes the Dynamite (6-2). Forte d’une séquence impressionnante de 5 victoires de suite, l’équipe d’Edward Shoshan devrait terminer l’année avec 2 autres victoires ce qui porterait son total à 8 pour la saison! Brian Eudoxie, Chris Niphakis et Chris St-François sont maintenant des noms qui évoquent le respect à travers cette division qui, d’année en année, ne cesse de nous dévoiler de nouveaux talents. Force est d’admettre que BOOM! Goes the Dynamite est probablement l’équipe qui possède le plus de momentum à l’heure actuelle ce qui fait de ses joueurs, de sérieux prétendants au Championnat!
Le professeur Xavier serait fier!
Les X-Men montre peut-être une piètre fiche de 2-6 mais cette nouvelle équipe est tout de même à surveiller d’ici la fin du calendrier. Si cette formation en est encore à ses premiers balbutiements dans la ligue, elle peut tout de même compter sur des vétérans qui, sans tambours ni trompettes, calment les troupes et les préparent pour le sprint final vers les séries. Eh oui, les séries! Car bien qu’ils jouent pour moins de .500, leurs 2 prochains matchs sont à leur portée alors qu’ils affronteront les décevants Cowboys et les Trapstars, deux rivaux qui les précèdent au classement. S’ils n’y parviennent pas, les X-Men auront malgré tout acquis un précieux bagage d’expérience qui devrait les aider à faire de leur prochaine saison un succès!
Les 3 STARwars de la semaine
3. A. Théroux (PLC Gunners) 1 réc., 33 verges, 1 TC; 2 INT.
2. Miguel Bernier (X-Men) 4 réc., 59 verges, 1 TC; 1 INT retournée pour un TC.
1. Norman Weeks (Warriors) 14-19, 280 verges, 7 TC.
*Translations by Alexandre Porras
Sarwar Standings
These take into effect overall record, x-factors, skills, clutchness and the STAR-warness. They are all contenders in my opinion. I’ll update this list on a weekly basis.
1. Warriors (8-0): As the Shockers would say: ‘Nuff Said!
2. Triple Sixers (7-1): After losing to the Warriors, this is where they belong.
3. Time Bombs (7-1): Tied with the Triple Sixers in record but are not at their level but if they can beat the Warriors, they could boost up to second.
4. Snookers (6-2): Second best defense in Division 4, just need to be more efficient on offense.
5. BOOM! Goes The Dynamite (6-2): Tied with Snookers but lost the head-to-head. Although with their recent BOOM, they can a strong case to be 4th.
6. Gators (5-3): Three losses? Warriors and Triple Sixers are understandable but given the promise this team showed, the loss to FOTC was a bit surprising, but then again FOTC are also heating up.
7. Marauders (5-3): Finally playing up to their potential but remaining two games (Balls Deep and Warriors) will be a true testament to their character.
8 Served With Ice (5-3): Since the loss to Gieuth, they’re on a three game winning streak, latest one was against Balls Deep.
9. Balls Deep (5-3): Last week’s loss to Served With Ice ranks them ninth.
10. Sharks (4-3-1): Lost a close one to the Marauders so their three game winning streak comes to an end, and they are last in the rankings.
On the bubble: Flight Of The Concords (4-4), Guerillaz (4-4), Briscoe High Hawks (4-4)
Rehan’s Role Players (RRP)
This week’s RRP is Ryan Phillips of Balls Deep. You have definitely seen him on the Facebook walls but that pales in comparison to his contributions on the football field. He started out with GPK in Winter 2009, playing with a group of friends. He accumulated 30 tackles, 3 INTs and 7 PDs, and his team made the playoffs. Then came Spring 2009 season, in which he played with Balls Deep, and had yet another successful campaign. He had 26 tackles, 3 INTs, 4 PDs and a defensive touchdown.
Turning our attention to Winter 2010 season, Ryan Phillips is playing with Balls Deep who are in Division 4. He is not playing with GPK in Division 3, due to roster rules (only two D3 players can play in D4), in favor of other players who are on both GPK and Balls Deep’s roster. Therefore he stepped down and remained only a Division 4 player even though he would have been no doormat in Division 3; that speaks volumes for his character. This season he has 31 tackles and 2 INTs for Balls Deep, who has high aspirations for the playoffs and hope to pass the first round (something Mr. Phillips hasn’t accomplished yet in this league). An overall great person and leader who possesses football smarts and uses them to his advantage; a definite asset to any team. Ryan Phillips, you ARE a RRP!
** For a detailed breakdown of playoff scenarios and picture, watch this week’s Division 4 WEPL which is posted on our website**
That’s it for this week’s column. As usual if you have any comments/suggestions, email me at [email protected]. Good luck on your match ups this week and I leave you with the following quote:
“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi