FPF Hall of Fame
Flag Plus Football has grown a great deal since its inception. Players, community, media members and referees make up a league that has been woven into the fabric of existence for all those involved. It is part of our discourse, our social capital and it is part of the culture of the city (and surrounding areas) that we call home. Once a year we honor the people who have helped to make us what we are by inducting some of those who’ve made remarkable accomplishments into our prestigious Hall of Fame.
For players and media members to be eligible they need to have been playing or working for the league for 20 seasons (please note that a season for Hall of Fame purposes is based on the calendar year and not how many teams one plays on per season. Regardless of how many teams a player has played on in a specific season, for the purposes of the Hall of Fame each season counts as a single entry). Referees will be voted on by the community officials. In order for a player to be voted to the FPF Hall of Fame the player in question needs to amass 5% of the total votes.
Below is the list of players who are eligible:
AJ Gomes |
Alex David |
Andrew Langburt |
Anthony Vendrame |
Brandon Aylward |
Chris Milard |
Corey Greenaway |
Cory Pecker |
Craig O’Brien |
Danny D’Amour |
Dean Demetriou |
Dylan Taylor |
François Deslauriers |
Frédéric Viens |
Isiah Allard |
Jamie Ojeaha |
Jason Prince |
Jean-Daniel Chevalier |
Jeff Rosenblatt |
Jesse Dupuis |
Jonathan Lyristis |
Jordan Allard |
Jordan McLaren |
Julien Paiement |
Justin Lerner |
Justin McLean |
Kendal Mayers |
Kevin Lubin |
Marc-Antoine Viens |
Marco Bertoldi |
Matt Bond |
Mike Pierrecin |
Patrick St-Amand |
Phil Cutler |
Rich Humes |
Sasha Papich |
Tony Khoury |
Travis Moses |
Zach Zwirn |
Frank Kaye |
The Hall of Fame voting is composed of Hall of Fame votes, community votes and FPF Staff votes (each with a specific weighting). Below is the link to our ballot. The deadline to cast your votes is December 27th 2022.