Division 4 – All-Star Roster
QB: Maxime Forget (The Family)
QB: Etienne Cloutier (Sphinx)
C: Mathieu Fafard (Sphinx)
R: Maurice Kaddis (Top Guns)
Kris Bastien (Hard Knocks)
Derek Daoust (Primetime)
Sebastien Pereda (Patriotes)
Brian Phaneuf (Gators)
Samuel Bibeault (The Family)
Francois Deslauriers (Razorbacks)
Niko Zarmalias (Park-X Streets)
Maiko Zepeda (Barbarianz Squad)
The Division 4 All-Stars will face off against the Division 3 All-Stars on Sunday, April 17th at 9 pm @ the Catalogna Soccerplexe. All elected players are also invited to partake in the Skills Competition which will take place at 8 pm.
All-Star jerseys will be given to all present players.