Categories: Division DSpring

Div D: Mid-Season Report Cards Part1

Week 6 and that means Report Cards are in. Mid-season Report Cards are generally a small recap of how the first half of your season went in about 100 words compared to the pre-season expectations I had for your team. Based on how you ranked in the pre-season article and wether I have picked your team to win or lose in my weekly predictions. For such a large division report cards will be split into 2 articles as about 12 teams will be selected in each week and will be analyzed. Your offence, defence and team as a whole will get a letter grade like you would on your school report card. I will also spotlight the best player/ teammate with the most production so far and crown a mid-season MVP. Keep in mind these were written without taking into consideration of week 6 games. 

The letter grades correspond as so;

A – You’ve exceeded pre-season expectations.  I never would have thought the team in question would have performed this well.

B – The team is surpassing the expectations that I placed on them ahead of the season, or perhaps you meeting expectations with your record, but have won close matchups against tough opponents.

C – I was right, and the team is performing exactly as expected.

D- Your team has underperformed in comparison to pre-season expectations. You’ve probably lost matchups which your squad was favoured to win.

Snowdon Deli Degens 6-0 

After not placing this on my top 10 pre-season rankings, they now stand as the #1 seed in division D. QB Adam Malinoff has been playing great, leading their offence and leading all QB’s  in touchdowns and passing yards. Evan Shivek has been the teams best playmaker other then Malinoff. In 4 games Evan Shivek has caught 5 touchdowns and 137 yards. But what has been more impressive is his ability on defence. So far he has 6 INT’s and 5 Pd’s. Making him a front runner for either 2-way player or Defensive player of the year. I see this team only facing one more tough test vs Notorious C.I.G. If they win that one I  predict this squad to end the season undefeated. 

Offensive Grade: A

Defensive Grade: A

Overall Grade: A

Mid Season MVP: Evan Shivek

Predicted Final Record: 10-0

Brewers 3-3

Brewers were a team that I began questioning their ability to get some wins here in div D. This squad started off the season 0-3. But I believe a change at QB was made where Jeffrey Lefebvre took over the last few games and the Brewers are back on track. At this point the team is passing my expectations where they sit at 3-3 with the leading touchdown receptions leader Deven Glover. Glover has been superb for Brewers as he has caught 335 yards and 10 touchdowns. Not to mention he also has 10 sacks. If the Defence of Brewers can rally around Glover’s good pressure and get more stops this can be a true dark horse team. 

Offensive Grade: B

Defensive Grade: C

Overall Grade: B 

Mid Season MVP: Deven Glover 

Predicted Final Record: 5-5 

Old Pats

Based on my preseason expectations for this squad they are doing much better. I probably would have predicted them to be 2-4 at this point of the season. Although most of their wins have come against 1 win teams, their week 3 vs the process was what caught my eye. I do think this teams offence is much better then their defence, not because teams have been putting up huge numbers on there defence but because their offence has been very productive. Scoring 25 points or more in 4 out of 6 game.  Alex Papineau has been their best player so far scoring 6 touchdowns on offence and 2nd in team receiving. This team should be the top team in group B. 

Offensive Grade: B

Defensive Grade: C+

Overall Grade: A

Mid Season MVP: Alex Papineau

Predicted Final Record: 7-3 

Love Me Sexy 5-1 

I predicted my team to be in the top 5 at the beginning of the season and after 5 weeks we sit at 5-1. Our record feels like I predicted right but I would like our offence to play much better. Our one loss came in overtime when we were tied 6-6. Our defence has been on fire as no team has scored more than 25. Our MVP has been the youngin Domenico Goilti. Leading the team in receiving yards and touchdowns, he has also scored once on defence with 2 INT’s. Dom has even thrown 3 touchdowns and played a crucial role in our last win vs GloGang where he stepped in at QB due to injury to Nick Groppini.  Sweeping our group, I predict us to win our group and finish as a top 5 seed. 

Offensive Grade: C-

Defensive Grade: B

Overall Grade: C

Mid Season MVP: Domenico Giolti 

Ambush 3-2

Unfortunately for Ambush they were in the top 2 of my pre=season rankings and I only predicted them to lose 2 games all season. So to see them in week 5 at 3-2, where 1 of their wins was actually a loss by automatically got the win due to forfeit because dirty slugs busted the cap. My QBOY pick has been okay but not worthy of the honour of best QB through 5 weeks. Phil Roberts has only completed 45 % of his throws and has only scored 17 touchdowns. He hasn’t been turning the ball over much but the teams 4th down percentage has been awful as the only convert 28 % of the time. Their one bright star has been Kevin Donnet. Leading the division in receiving yards and has scored 7 Touchdowns already. Add 7 sacks on the defensive side and Donnet has been ambush’s best player. 

Offensive Grade: C

Defensive Grade: D

Overall Grade: D

Mid Season MVP: Kevin Donnet 

Predicted Final Record: 6-4 

Cookie Monsters 2-4

Another team that I predicted to be a top 3 team this season has disappointed. Felix Boutet was absent for the first half of the season but things haven’t gotten any better since his appearance. A team I predicted to be 8-2 is 2-4 after 6 games. Granted 3 of their losses all came by 1 point but that has to speak volumes of how this team manages the game and plays under pressure situations. Cookie Monsters are in jeopardy of not making playoffs if they can’t get at least 2 more wins this season. Dime and Bougie QB Jules Regimbald has shown that he can play in any position as he has scored 8 touchdowns as a receiver leading the team and has also snagged 2 INT’s as a DB. Im very impressed with his ability to play the other positions on the field as well as he plays Q. 

Offensive Grade: 

Defensive Grade: C

Overall Grade: D

Mid Season MVP: Jules Regimbald 

Predicted Final Record: 3-7 

Bandits 4-2

I predicted Émile Skaf and company to be middle of the pack, out of the top 10 but definitely safe for playoffs. After 5 weeks Bandits stand at 4-2 and have been great defensively only allowing 65 total points in 6 games. I do believe that their toughest games lie ahead of them as they still have to face Love Me Sexy (5-1),  Melons (4-1) where we will see if Bandits are true contenders. Their MVP so far is clearly Darcy Jeannis leading the team with 3 INT’s and 4 touchdowns. 

Offensive Grade: B

Defensive Grade: A

Overall Grade: B

Mid Season MVP: Darcy Jeannis

Predicted Final Record: 6-4

SNP 3-2

This team has a solid 3-2 record right now and their defence has played great averaging only 18 points per game. But the teams they have beat are Knights 2.0, Bend don’t Break and LargeLifeStyle who all only have 1 win. I would say the team is playing a little better then i expected defensively but their toughest opponents are coming up. I don’t see this team wining more then 1 game in the back half of games. QB Kyle Folkerson has been the teams MVP here in mid-season as he has thrown for 19 touchdowns and only 1 INT. He also has only been sacked once and although I haven’t watched this team play yet, but his 128 yards rushing and 2 touchdowns id imagine he can run around a rusher really well. 

Offensive Grade: C

Defensive Grade: B

Overall Grade: C

Mid Season MVP: Kyle Folkerson

Predicted Final Record: 4-6

GloGang 3-2

GloGang have beaten some good teams like Melons, The Process and VTown. Sitting at 3-2 right not the team is playing exactly how I thought they’d be as I put them #9 in my preseason rankings. Consistency at the QB position as I observed before the season has been a key point of this teams success as the one of their two losses came without QB Bruno Provencher. I predicted a 6 win team and their half way there. I would say this team is up to par with expectations. Receiver and DB, Marin Counoyer has been GloGang’s mid-season MVP as he lead the team in Touchdowns with 7 as well as INTs and tackles on Defence. 

Offensive Grade: C+

Defensive Grade: C

Overall Grade: C

Mid Season MVP: Marin Counoyer

Predicted Final Record: 7-3

Dirty Slugs 1-4 

By referring to my weekly picks, I picked this team to win only one time through 5 weeks. I feel like I’m right but I’m wrong because this team forfeited game one due to abscesses and beat ambush in week 5 where they busted the cap by 1.6 and ultimately forfeited. So really this could be a 2-2 team. But here lie Dirty Slugs at 1-4 and in the elimination realm. Anthony Siggia has been on a tear as he has caught 26 passes making him tied for 3rd most receptions in the division. He’s added 285 yards and 3 touchdowns so far in 5 games. 

Offensive Grade: C

Defensive Grade: C

Overall Grade: C

Mid Season MVP: Anthony Siggia 

Predicted Final Record: 3-7

Pack A Punch 1-4 

For a team that I placed #6 in the pre-season power rankings their team has not been what I thought it be. Their only win came against 5-1 love me sexy in overtime where both offences were non-existent. Micheal De Seta has only thrown 12 touchdowns and his offence averages 16 points a game. Their defence has given up the least amount of points against of the bottom 5 teams so that could help them in a tie breaker situation around week 10. Stefano De Seta has been the clear MVP as he leads the team in receiving yards  and receiving touchdowns. He’s also caught the most converts where he caught the game winner in their sole win. I predict Pack a Punch will miss the playoffs. 

Offensive Grade: D

Defensive Grade: C-

Overall Grade: D

Mid Season MVP: Stefano De Seta 

Predicted Final Record: 2-8

Jägerbombers 4-2 

I did leave this team off my power rankings for the first 2 weeks of the season but Jägerbombers showed me they belong and have won 4 of 6 as I thought they may be 3-3 or 2-3 at this point. With some household names like Alexandre Bachaalani and Thomas G-Lajoie I figured this team would have some wins but I didn’t think they would be in the top 5 so they have surpassed my expectations. Their mid-season MVP has been a tight race between Bachaalani and Thomas Lajoie. Bachaalani leads the team in touchdowns but Lajoie leads in yards and has also got 2 INT’s and took one to the house so in my opinion its been him. A win against ambush and they would lock up Group E and secure a top 5 seed.  

Offensive Grade: C

Defensive Grade: B

Overall Grade: B

Mid Season MVP: Thomas g-Lajoie

Predicted Final Record: 7-3