Quarter Finals’ preview and a brief look back at last Saturday’s action
With last week’s amazing performance, Suicide Squad moved on to the next round and are now on everybody’s radar.
With last week’s amazing performance, Suicide Squad moved on to the next round and are now on everybody’s radar.
Les Green Lantern Corps causeront la surprise de la semaine face aux Small Giants.
With Division 6 on a bye-week of sorts, instead of giving you guys my re-cap of last week’s games and … Read more Brent’s 2nd annual Division 6 Awards
In a rematch of the 2014 Winter Division 4 Finals, the Sea Assassins once again find themselves as the favourites vs. the Predators. Can Lazzara get his revenge?
Les Jagerbomb peuvent-ils atteindrent la finale dans une troisième saison de suite?
ALERTE: Les Junkyard Dogs tomberont à la renverse face à I Rep That West.
Amongst the 32 teams that qualified for the playoffs, Coyotes has to be the team playing with the biggest chip on their shoulder this season.
Legends have made a living off winning games on the last play in recent seasons.
Je prédis une victoire surprise de Get On Deck face aux Verges Folles en ouverture de rideau.
In one of 13 Division 5 rematches taking place this week, do Blackshirts have what it takes to stun the top-seeded X-Men in the opening round of the 5A playoffs?