Playing For Keeps: Same Hero, New Boots
The Flagrant Fouls enter the playoffs as a surprise 1 seed. can they live up to the newfound hype?
Playoffs: Divisional Round
With their win last week, Big TDs clinched playoff berth. They’ll be looking to play spoilers this weekend.
L’AccroNic | Division 5: Prédictions de la première ronde des séries
Les RoadRunners vaincront facilement les Jagys & Chill. Aurai-je raison?
Division 4A/4B : Sweet Sixteen
The Alpha-T’s partent certainement avec le titre de favori pour la division 4B
L’AccroNic | Cap sur les honneurs individuels de la Division 5!
Eric Maiorino (QA) et Joey Taylor (REC) des Globo Gym Purple Cobras seront nominés selon moi.
Czikk’s Cover 3: Ties, perfect seasons and disappointing endings
Coyotes finished their first season in Division 3, 10-0