An Obituary, Agricultural Dating Websites and the Forgotten Hen
Who are the Farmers? Which roster will we see each week
Who are the Farmers? Which roster will we see each week
The Bearskins and possible future Hall-of-Famer Marco Bertoldi got back on track in a big way in week 2
Yes, this was the most recent Maniax picture the FPF website had. Nonetheless, they deserve credit for being undefeated in D1 after these two weeks.
Finessers look to finesse their way through this Division. They sit 2-0 after 2 weeks.
Cette équipe n’arrête pas de progresser. Danny Aylward est de plus en plus impressionnant !
Dad Bods assume the top spot after Brotherhood shockingly tumble. Can they dig it?
Ils ont jeunes, sympathiques et électrisants ! Quelle belle équipe All Hooks!
The defending champs remain the early favorite to repeat and win D1 once again. Will anyone rise up to the occasion this season?