Paolo Della Rocca
Recaps, Pain and How Two Teams Can Ruin Flag Football
The Playoff Race Get Heated and I Need a Glass of Bourbon
Valentine’s Day, A Tribute to my Colleagues and Is E a Grade?
Ball So Hard University are cruising through 6 weeks. Where does Peeze believe they fall in the mid-season rankings?
Steroids, Photography and a Teenager’s First Strip Club
The Quackers win picture day but lose in week 3!
An Obituary, Agricultural Dating Websites and the Forgotten Hen
Who are the Farmers? Which roster will we see each week
A case against Oprah’s Presidency, The Battle of Anatomy and one Crappy Cooking Joke
Stephen Harripersaud swapping his crisp blues for Fighting Flamingo pink was only one surprise in week 1
Peeze’s Playbook: Preseason Analysis and Other Lies
Sunday Touch Boys are just one team that Peeze made stuff up about.
Division 6/6D Split
Brad Evans and his newly named Fighting Flamingos return to Division 6 but will they be placed in 6D?
Beer Goggles, the annoyance of certain opponents and two Eddie Murphy references
Dawson’s Caf Finest just one of a ton of new and old teams hoping to survive the first elimination game.