The Winter 2023 regular season has been completed. With that, the Spring 2023 ratings have been computed and will be published shortly, and come into effect for the upcoming season.
Listed below, however, are the top score ratings for each division, in each category for this season only. Keep in mind these are not necessarily the players’ Spring 2023 ratings- this is simply the output rating for the players’ Winter 2023 production in the individual division listed.
Players get an individual rating for each division they participate in, should they meet the minimum standards.
As always, major props go out to Alex D’Aquila who handles the ratings calculations; and to Ryan Kastner who designed the functionality for us, way back in 2014.
La saison régulière d’hiver 2023 est terminée. Avec cela, les cotes du printemps 2023 ont été calculées et seront publiées sous peu, et entreront en vigueur pour la saison à venir.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous, cependant, les meilleurs scores pour chaque division, dans chaque catégorie pour cette saison uniquement. Gardez à l’esprit qu’il ne s’agit pas nécessairement des cotes des joueurs/ses pour le printemps 2023 – il s’agit simplement de la cote de sortie pour la production des joueurs/ses pour l’hiver 2023 dans la division individuelle indiquée.
Les joueurs/ses obtiennent une note individuelle pour chaque division à laquelle ils/elles participent, s’ils/elles respectent les normes minimales.
Comme toujours, un grand merci à Alex D’Aquila qui gère les calculs des cotes; et à Ryan Kastner qui a conçu la fonctionnalité pour nous, en 2014.
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Kevin Wyeth 97.8 AJ Gomes 96.1 Theo Ojeaha 96.4 Alex Nadeau-Piuze 96.4 Francois Rocheleau 95.6 Vincent Dethier 94.7 Phil Cutler 93.9 Guillaume Paquet 95.3 Anthony Brisebois 92.9 Daniel Lazzara 93.3 Rory Semerjian 95.3 Kevin Laliberte 92.6 Jonathan Maheu 93.1 Patrick Jerome 94.8 Jonathan Garfinkle 91.7 Frederic Dupuis 92.2 James Ohayon 94.7 Guillaume Paquet 91.5 Jeff Rosenblatt 89.5 Emile Taillefer 94.7 Sebastien Simon 91.4 Myles Gibbon 89 Quaid Johnson 94.1 Sean Semerjian 90.8 Jeanslee Alexis 93.8 Pierre-Alexandre Rochefort 90.8 Matt Kirouac 93.4 Stephan Osman 90.4
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Kevin Wyeth 95.2 James Drysdale 92.6 Isiah Allard 93.7 Stephen Harripersaud 91.5 James Ohayon 90.1 Fritzgerald Cenatus 92.0 Phil Cutler 91.3 Rory Semerjian 90 AJ Gomes 90.8 Jonathan Maheu 91 Matt Kirouac 89.9 Patrick Jerome 88.8 Jesse Dupuis 90.6 Anthony Brisebois 89.8 Jonathan Garfinkle 88.3 Frederic Dupuis 90.5 Rocco Christiano 89.8 Anthony Brisebois 88.3 Jeff Rosenblatt 90.5 Danny D’Amour 89.6 Sean Semerjian 88.1 Joey Taylor 90.5 Guillaume Beland 89.3 Mike Pierrecin 88.0 Tam Vilaydeth 89.6 Khalil Kerr 89.1 Guillaume Beland 88.0 Nicola Centomo 88.8 Sebastien Crisi-Lauzon 89 Matthew Rupcic 87.4
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Jordan Panetta 88.7 Adam Rosen 88.9 Vincent Dethier 94.9 AJ Gomes 87.3 Daniel Mancini 86.6 Isiah Allard 89.3 Dom Lefort 86.9 Jimmy Marneris 86.4 Bastien Phaneuf-Thibault 88.8 Alexandre Gaudet 86.6 James Drysdale 85.6 Quaysie Gordon-Maule 86.8 Stephen Harripersaud 86.5 Jonathan Chevalier 85.4 Nicholas Gomes-Risso 86.8 Michael Roy 86.4 Thomas Coutu 85.3 Fritzgerald Cenatus 86.8 Nicolas Schaefer 86.1 Nicholas Groppini 85.1 Mike Pierrecin 86.4 Danny Aylward 85.8 Brandon Aylward 84.8 Tysen Otis Copeland 86.4 Adam Sinagra 85.8 Phil Pharand 84.8 Antoine Roberge 86.3 Chris Rivest 85.3 Sean Semerjian 84.7 Vincent Malo 86.1
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Ignacio Valdes Manzanedo 87.1 Patrick St-Amand 83.3 Patrick St-Amand 85.0 Santino Sparagna 83.4 Kevin Marcil 81.9 Isiah Allard 83.8 Frederic Paquette-Perrault 82.9 Dante Sparagna 81.9 Vincy Biande 83.3 Jean Lussier 82.5 Nicholas Groppini 81.6 Philippe Boyer 82.9 Michael Caparelli 81.8 Guillaume Ranger 81.4 Arthur Doyon 82.9 Ryan Garber 81.6 Felix Boutet 81.3 Joel Soucy 82.1 Paolo Della Rocca 81.2 Jerome Hovington 81.2 Jeremy Augustin 81.9 Stephen Casey 81.1 Dawson Pierre 81 Raffaele Morelli 81.6 Justin Lavallee 80.9 Cooper Young 80.7 Fritzgerald Cenatus 81.5 Jules Regimbald 80.7 Corey Williams 80.2 Olivier Sabourin 81.3
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Ignacio Valdes Manzanedo 80.2 Skylar Bayliff 76.4 Guillaume Fontaine 80.9 Zack Stacey 79.3 AJ Zeppetelli 76.4 Julian McLaren-Thompson 80.3 Mathew Zeppetelli 78 Luis Begin 75.8 Luis Begin 78.9 Ryan Dobbs-Garnett 77 Felix Boutet 74.8 Andrew Denis Lynch 77.6 Mathew Yanakoulias 75.8 Ariel Librati 74.1 Skylar Bayliff 77.5 Noah Groper 74.5 Jordan Lessard 73.8 Aidan McMullan 76.0 Travis Moses 73.6 Alexandre Noel 73.6 Fred Mallette 75.3 Liam Gilmore 73 Danick Coulombe 73.5 Riley Pincombe 75.3 Antoine Roger 72.8 Darius Simmons 73.4 Yan Librati 75.3 Max Marini 72.3 Lucas Quenneville 72.9 Jordan Lessard 75.2
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Mitch Fergenbaum 79.5 Antoine Chabot 76.7 Max Burah 80.7 Justin Goodman 78.2 Nicholas Fon 75.3 Jared Boidman 79.1 Mederic Lauzon 78 Max Burah 74.9 Vincent Bolullo 78.5 Ignacio Valdes Manzanedo 77.8 Emile Bolullo 74.9 Emile Bolullo 78.1 Guillaume Boulanger 76.2 Jared Boidman 74.5 Mathieu Lafortune 77.4 Tylar Bianchi 75.8 Mano Manolopoulos 74.2 Jared Arany 77.3 Jeff Tayeh 75.4 Jacob Salvail 74.1 Tylar Bianchi 77.2 Daniel Spina 72.9 Sam Anastasopoulos 74 Curtis Ryan 76.8 Frederic Juneau 72.6 David Vlad 74 Sebastian Dufour 76.7 Benjamin Berbrier 72.5 Matthew Caponi 73.7 Antoine Chabot 76.3
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Zack Stacey 74.8 Oriola Poirier 71.3 Avery Klimas 78.6 Justin Gauthier 74.2 Princeton Cruikshank 71.2 Curtis Ryan 77.1 Olivier St-Onge 74 Nicholas Di Maulo 70.3 Emerson Peterkin 76.5 Shimmy Cons 73.6 Karim Yasmine 69 Alessandro Del Peschio 76.2 Jason Armenti 73.2 Tyler Gurberg 69 Luca Chiricosta 75.5 Noah Swaminadhan 73.1 Luca Chiricosta 68.6 Nicholas Di Maulo 74.7 Emerson Peterkin 73 Xavier Hilditch 68.5 Sam Anastasopoulos 73.0 Simon Constantineau 72.3 Nicolas Colicchio 68.2 Francois Rochette 72.5 William Sebag 70.5 Avery Klimas 68.2 Oriola Poirier 72.3 Garner Ross 70.2 Tylar Bianchi 67.4 Sevag Mikhlian 72.2
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Jonathan Maheu 87.5 Lauriane Beauchamp 85.8 Serge Pilon Jr. 92.0 Stephen Harripersaud 85.9 Kristopher Verreault 83.3 Wade Jr. Shallcross 87.5 Dom Lefort 85.7 Mike Pierrecin 82.7 AJ Gomes 86.6 Myles Gibbon 83.3 Joey Notaro 82.5 Isiah Allard 84.7 Tam Vilaydeth 82.4 Alex Roel 82.2 James Drysdale 84.0 Emmanuelle Bronsard 81.7 Jean-Daniel Chevalier 81.5 Matthew Peacock 83.9 Francois Deslauriers 81.5 Georges Gariepy 81.4 Kristopher Verreault 83.9 Sara Parker 81.1 James Drysdale 81.3 Alex Roel 83.3 Jimmy-Lee Janvier 80.4 Serge Pilon Jr. 81.1 Mike Pierrecin 82.6 Guillaume Beland 80.3 Isiah Allard 81 Nicholas Gomes-Risso 82.1
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Ignacio Valdes Manzanedo 77.6 Oumar Toure 72.8 Mikael Arseneau 78.8 William Brouard 77.5 Luis Begin 72.4 Nicholas Gomes-Risso 78.2 Bruno Provencher 74.9 Boudjema Saada 72 Vincent Bastrash 75.4 Mikael Arseneau 74.2 Jarod Pita 71.5 Rory Kelly 75.0 Charles Verreault 73.8 Jean-Nicolas Brenko 70.8 David Michaud 74.9 Chris Rivest 72.9 Laurence Pontbriand 70.6 Oumar Toure 74.6 Gabriel Wiseman 71.9 Nassim Ouadhi 70.5 Nassim Ouadhi 72.4 Pierre-Alexandre Cordero 71.9 Kevin Malonga 69.7 Charles Verreault 71.5 Jeanslee Alexis 71.1 Vincent Bastrash 69.5 Michael James 71.1 Mehdi Chabchoub 70.3 Dimitri Melsbach 69.4 Julian McLaren-Thompson 70.9
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Kristopher Verreault 77.6 Gabriel Wiseman 66.8 Kristopher Verreault 84.3 Christopher Landry 69.7 Alexandre Noel 66.3 Gabriel Wiseman 73.4 Ryan Dobbs-Garnett 67.8 Khamhal Nerverson 65.5 Felix Lalonde 71.9 Camille Ste-Marie 64.2 Aryane Boucher 64.8 Jahmaal Roach 71.7 Athena Ryan 62.8 Jahmaal Roach 64.2 Khamhal Nerverson 69.9 Kenny Boutilier 61.6 Justin Leblanc-Guindon 64.1 Yvan Salomon 68.8 Zackary Alberts-Gill 61.4 Camille Ste-Marie 63.8 Fabrice Pierre 68.7 Raphael Beauchamp-Desbois 59.5 Alyson Francillon 63.2 Gerry Vincent 68.6 Nicolas Menard 59.3 Zackary Alberts-Gill 63.1 Tahnyus Steer 68.3 Mike Legendre 54.4 Kevin Pierre 62.7 Philippe Aussant 68.2
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Maude Lacasse 80.9 Alexane Fournier 76.5 Erika Bastien 91.7 Vanessa Birri 76.2 Laurence Pontbriand 76.1 Laurence Pontbriand 83.2 Sandrine Gobeil-Huot 75.8 Virginie Roussel 75.4 Joyce Geneus 83.1 Elisabeth Ashkar 75.6 Beatrice Bouchard 75.2 Alexane Fournier 81.9 Emmanuelle Bronsard 75.4 Emma Rousseau 74.8 Rosalie Landry 80.6 Annika Browns 75.2 Annie Lagace 74.2 Virginie Roussel 79.3 Sara Parker 74.8 Amy Deuel 73.7 Lea Demers 79.1 Andreanne Cadorette 74.8 Emilie Carrier 73.1 Julianne Fortin 77.7 Annie Lagace 69 Erika Bastien 73.1 Catherine Girard 77.2 Andrea Hevia 67.7 Abigaelle Perrault 73 Annabelle Chevrier 75.7
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Samantha Albert 70.9 Alexia Vitti 75.1 Marie-Soleil Desgagne 82.0 Sarah-Maude Hamel 70.3 Rachelle Vallieres 70 Carolane Lariviere 81.9 Allyson Sobol 70.1 Josianne Martin 69.8 Rachelle Vallieres 81.5 Catherine Bolduc 69.4 Maeve Giguere 69.5 Erika Roussel 78.5 Carrie-Ann Auger 66.7 Constance Millaire 68.2 Mikaelle Azar 78.0 Florence Beauchamp 65.8 Carolane Lariviere 68.2 Virginie Journeau 76.2 Morgane Cosimano-Valois 65.3 Maryse Paquette 67.8 Melodie Masse 76.1 Emilie Adam 64 Enya Proulx 67.7 Alexia Vitti 74.8 Vanessa Pierre 63.3 Marilyne Cesaire 67.5 Maya Iannuzzi 74.8 Laurence Girard 63 Emilie Papillon 67.2 Keiya Allen-Beckles 74.7
QB Score Receiver Score Defender Score Jeff Rosenblatt 84.4 Yoni Lehrer 81.3 James Acker 78.0 Chris Olson 83 Dave Richter 80.4 Robert White 77.4 Francois Lebeau 82.3 Bryan Joseph 79.5 Yoni Lehrer 77.3 Andy Peterkin 81.5 Chris Rosen 78.9 Bryan Joseph 77.0 Craig O’Brien 79.2 Rob Bohbot 78.6 Chris Rosen 76.9 Jason Rossie 79.1 Mike Smith 78.3 Andrew Blevings 76.8 Jason Rossie 79 Tanner Burrell 78.1 Cory Sim-Robertson 76.7 Ryan Kastner 75.9 Alex Moreau 78 Adam Tock 76.4 Alex Lever 71.9 Adam Tock 77.9 Dave Mallais 74.2 Chris Brockwell 77.8 Justin Anania 74.0 Paul Lapierre 77.7 Alex Theodore 73.9 Alex Lever 77.5 Paul Lapierre 73.9 Karim Yasmine 77.4 Jordan Rossie 73.7 Robert White 77.1 Dave Mallais 73.7 Nicolas Guimier 77.1 Chris Olson 73.5 Dave Mallais 76.9 Jordan Rossie 73.6 Scott Binns 76.7 Mario Choueri 73.5 Domenic Tosi 76.5 Shane Williams 73.1 Karl De Nie 76.4 Allan Lee 73.1 Shane Williams 76.3 Chris Rosen 72.9 Andrew Carruthers 76.2 Scott Binns 72.9 Mario Choueri 75.9 Reynalto Merisier 72.8 Justin Anania 75.3 Maxime Laflamme 72.7 G.M. Kolethras 75.1 Francis Haley 72.7 Andrew Blevings 74.9 Jason Rossie 72.3