Categories: Co-Ed 2FallGeneral

Co-Ed 3 Mid-Season Report Cards…. or half of them at least!

IT IS TIME!!!! I have been trying to prepare for a while now and it still caught me off guard: REPORT CARD TIME! Unfortunately, report cards take a significant amount of time for me, and with 21 teams in the division, I won’t be able to cover all the teams in a single article! Luckily for me, about 50% of teams have played at least 5 games so far this season, while the rest of them are playing their 5th this week or the next, so I will split the report cards into 2: Teams who have played 5+ games so far in this article, and the rest of the teams in the next (except my TOTs… Just ran out of time)! 

As a quick guideline for how I usually do report cards: I separate teams performance into 3 categories – OFFENCE / DEFENCE / and OVERALL grades. My grades go from S tier down to C tier, because realistically no one wants to see an F…. it just hurts! Usually, I’m able to see a trend in scores and know how many points per game a team needs to score to win, but this division is all over the place this season so I will refer to my default FPF Ideology for “lower divisions”: 

Offensively, I believe a team should be putting up 4 TDs per game if they want to secure a win, or at least have the best chance at winning a game. Anything less than 4 TDs and you begin putting more pressure on your defence to not only make stops, but also come away with a turnover or 2. So, in these report cards, you will receive a higher grade for CONSISTENTLY putting up more than 24pts a game. This will obviously hold true for judging my defensive performances as well. If I expect the offence to be able to put up 4 TDs per game, I have to expect defences to be able to PREVENT 4TDs per game! I find this is a much harder task, especially as you move up in divisions, but still believe most teams can achieve this! With usually 4-6 possessions for each team per game, your team essentially has to make 1-2 stops on defence (and limit offensive turnovers) to be successful. Finally, I balance all of this with the difficulty of your schedule! If I feel like you’ve fallen a bit short of my milestones, but you have what I perceive to be a harder schedule, then I may keep or boost a grade slightly, while the same is true for the inverse. 

So without further ado, let’s get to subjectively grading each of your teams and players:    




What better way to start than by Alphabetical order!? I’ve been talking about AT LEAST WE TRIED AGAIN since the beginning of the season and have been lucky enough to have followed them for the last couple of seasons writing articles. Having been to the FINALS of both Winter’s CO-ED 3 season and Co-Ed’s Fall Tier 2 season, I was actually expecting this team to be one of the undefeated teams who would be able to bully other teams. Instead, I’m seeing a team that is struggling a bit to stay on top of all their games, but still managed to come away with a record of 4-2. Darryl Dorcely finds himself currently in the top 5 QBs of the division and has been fairly successful at spreading the ball to his offence, however, of the 6 games played, they have only been able to score 4+ TDs in 2 of them. ALWTA regulars: Shelder Valéry and Jimmy-Lee Janvier are the most targeted receivers with the most yards, it’s Maria Mansseri who has been able to come down with the most TDs on the team so far! Carolane Larivière is finding herself in the middle of the pack with 19 targets, 2 TDs, and 129 yards, which is huge for 3rd/4th target on offence! Despite their low points scored, I have to admit that I am happy to see the depth this team has! 

Defensively, they have done a superb job of keeping their opponents to less than 4 TDs. They have one game where they shut out a team completely, with most of the others only allowing 2-3 TDs. The only outlier was their game against TONIX (The current division leaders), where they allowed a whopping 38 points! Darryl Dorcely has positioned himself as a great rusher and racked up 9 sacks, and despite their low number of INTs, they have put up an astonishing 21 PDs!! With a couple of big games coming up in their schedule, I can see them finishing the season 7-3 or 6-4! Definitely a top team that, if they can tighten up on offence, will eventually be able to break into the top 3!    




Off to a rough start, BALLHARD UNIVERSITY has not given up yet, but the rest of their schedule does not give them a chance to really breathe! Made up of a splattering of players that have some experience in FPF, Dominique Romeus has stepped up into the QB position this season. If i’m not mistaken, the BALLHARDs have cycled through a few QBs over the past few seasons, so it will be interesting to see who they land upon at the end of this season. Finding a consistent QB is really the best way to build rapport and timing with a team, but doesn’t mean that’s the only way to play, hell, one of my old teams – QB ROULETTE – prided itself on a new QB every game! That being said, BALLHARD UNIVERSITY has not been able to climb over that 3x TD hill, capping out at 19 points so far. However, a silver lining is that they have not been shut out OR scored less than 2 TDs a game, which is a good start, but as they have seen, will not be enough to win games. Offensively, Dominique Romeus seems to be relying on Mack Dessources as his primary receiver, but that isn’t to say that he neglects his other targets! Michael Namdary, Tiffany Cipollone, Kira Fent-Roter and Sarah Desjardins all have 10+ targets, with Michael and Sarah both having over 100 receiving yards! 

I like an offence that can spread the ball and target different receivers, and despite Mack Dessources having the majority of the TDs, the rest of the offence seems to be getting their chance…. But Dominique will need to work on not turning over the ball so much. 11 TDs to 11 INTs is not a winning ratio. Defensively, they are doing OK. I’m not seeing a lot of INTs, a handful of PDs, and with 3 sacks between the team, they may be struggling to get those extra offensive possessions which are key in FPF. I will say that Cindy Canuel and Mack are showing me a GREAT many tackles, which is awesome, but being a tad more aggressive and turning those tackles into PDs will definitely make a big difference on the defensive side of things! Overall, although it seems like a hard road ahead, I’m sure BALLHARD can squeeze out at least another 2 wins and hopefully climb out of the elimination zone!        




My poor BULLS… Not only does it look like they have a million players on their roster, it looks like most of them have a new rating, meaning they are mostly all new to the FPF environment! That, paired with the fact that they were forced into CO-ED 2 instead of CO-ED 3, is making this a harder season for them than it should have been! The good news is: having played them last week, I can tell that they have some talent! Some great catches were had, and despite some confusion on positioning, a few of the players I met had played in other leagues and had great attitudes! The unfortunate part is that they haven’t had a consistent QB since the beginning of the season… I thought Maya Di Fazio would be helming this team, but quickly it shifted to Jennifer Sernuck, who then gave up the reins to FPF superstar – Gabriel Wiseman! Despite this, however, they have continued to struggle to find offensive success, but haven’t given up yet! With enough patience and practice I think they’ll be able to finally catch a break and their first win and hopefully come back next season to try again! It’s hard to pick a breakout receiver, when so many players have tried out offence, but I do like that 2 of their top 3 receivers are female players: Sandra Taillefer and Jessica Sernuck! 

Defensively, it is clear that they are still learning the positions and how to adjust to the fast paced FPF style of play! A few PDs here and there, won’t be enough to swing games to their favour, but if Guillaume Brousseau and Mathieu Lachance can keep up their good work and increase their power levels, then the team will be on the right track! I know they have a lot of players and everyone probably wants some game time, but maybe focusing on specific positions will help this team come together a bit better and get more comfortable at the new arena they find themselves in! Regardless, with Gabe Wiseman helping out, they should be able to learn a lot! Gabe was my first mentor in FPF and it paid off greatly as the seasons went on! Good luck to you all and with only 1 or 2 games that may be winnable, use each game as a practice for the next season!   




Wowee Wowee! Where do I start? I’m still not sure who their QB will be going into the playoffs, but maybe that’s the strategy? Have multiple options that they can choose from? So far, Guillaume Girard started off the season at QB, but seems to have not played a game since despite doing fairly well? Injury? IDK…. I should check in with them…. Mariève Girard stepped up and has played 2 games at the QB position with Dimitri Melsbach helping out at times as the secondary QB for double QB plays. Realistically, all of these QBs have been successful and been able to put up a decent amount of points, even if sometimes it isn’t enough (silly tie against LA SECTE…). It would also make sense that Mariève Girard would stay at the QB position because not only does she have a pretty good arm, Dimitri Melsbach has been an absolute terror on offence, and that’s where you probably want him! With 113 Receiving yards and 4 TDs, he is currently tied for the #1 Receiver spot with Sebastien Simon who himself has received 116 yards and 4 TDs! This duo form the backbone of the offence and will need to be stopped if any team wants a chance at beating them.

However, where I find this team truly shines is their defence! When I played against them earlier this season, both our teams struggled to put up points in the first half, with the game really being a defensive back and forth. Both Dimitri and Simon are once again the highlight players here as well, but that’s not to say they are the only ones! Vanessa Trépanier has made her name known with 2 INTs and a handful of tackles. Unfortunately, they haven’t seemed to be able to agree on a rusher that can put as much pressure as they would like on opposing QBs, but it doesn’t seem to have stopped them from being a competitive team! They have consistently kept teams to 4 or less TDs on defence, which is what they’ll need to continue to do while their offence stabilises! Overall, a team that probably should be a bit higher on the rankings, but is by no means a team that can be underestimated!  




This team really seems like a great example of a middle of the pack team! They seem to flip flop between win streaks and lose streaks, starting off with 2 back to back losses, then 2 big wins, and then currently losing their last 2 games. This can only mean that fate will once again change and push them into another 2 game win streak starting this week! Dylan Boudreau seems to be their main QB even though Samuel Maranda and Olivier Mcduff have come up to help at different points in the season! Together, they have put up 13 TDs, 14 INTs, and 8 Sacks; not necessarily a winning ratio, but it has been enough to keep them out of the elimination zone! Offensively, they seem to be struggling to put up as many points as they would like, having only put up 1 TD in half of their games, but also 4 or 5 TDs in others! Olivier Mcduff, Jeremy Champagne, and Antoine Perreault-Brière all seem to be equally involved in this offensive unit, clearly aren’t the only targets, since 6 other players have all recorded at least 1 TD! Do I wish I saw more female players with higher stats and targets – yes, but Sandra Beauvais, Chloe Gauvin, and Rose Boyer are making every pass count, all have 1 TD, and have around 10 targets each. 

Defensively, Olivier Mcduff seems to be the Stat leader with 2 INTs, 4 PDs, and a PICK-6! However, I do like seeing Sandra Beauvais coming in with 3 sacks in 5 games! It can be intimidating seeing some other rushers bringing in 8-10 sacks in 3-5 games, but honestly, as long as you’re having an impact, you don’t have to get a sack EVERY game! Rose Boyer on the other hand is 1x PICK-6 away from having every defensive stat possible, since she already has 1 INT, 1 Sack, a bunch of tackles, and 1 PD! Together, their defence has been able to keep most teams to my 4 TD limit or under, with the exception of TONIX and LES GRANDS CHUMS, which now means the pressure is on their offence to do the same! A well balanced team who have a pretty stable schedule going forward.  




Well, well, well. Look who we have here! NO PUNT INTENDED is currently one of the few remaining undefeated teams, and it’s easy to see why! Sanders Armand had been looking to try his hand at QB and has found the perfect team to do so with! He is probably my pick for #1 QB this season and has put up an impressive 23 TDs, with a super low 4 INTs, and 2 Sacks – who is able to stop him!? Although they haven’t always scored 4 TDs, which is the only reason I haven’t given them a S tier, they often score much more than just the recommended 4 and have also won the games where they didnt! Jared Buck is clearly the favorite target on this offence with more than double the next receivers’ targets, 147 yards and 6 TDs, teams will need to find a way to shut him down, if they want ANY chance at keeping NO PUNT INTENDED down. However, even if you take Jared off the table, Sanders still has amazing targets in Sammy Benaouda, Elodie Baulu, and Geraldine Cabillo-Abante, who all have at least 3 TDs (Sammy has 4). It’s great to see a team that allows their female players to be as threatening as Elodie and Geraldine, because it opens up so many different plays on offence. With every player being a possible target and TD threat, defences are continually caught off guard and are unable to cover everyone! 

On the defensive side of the ball, Sanders is currently the biggest name and is a large part of their success. He has the most INTs (2), tied for the most sacks (5), tied for the most PDs (4), and is the only player with a PICK-6! However, shout out to another key player: Elodie Baulu has been able to secure 5 sacks of her own, making her a threat to all QBs! This defensive unit has been able to keep their offence in every game by routinely keeping their opponents to less than 4 TDs (except for MEAN MACHINES, IDK what happened there). This team is most definitely a Quarter-Finals, if not a Semi-Finals team (I can’t choose finalists yet), and the only reason they aren’t getting an S tier is because I find their schedule this far a bit easier than others! However, seeing it ramp up a bit in the 2nd half of the season will prove to me exactly what calibre of team they are! Good Luck!   




As much as I love the name: SHOW ME YOUR TDZ, their season didn’t start out with very many of them. Recently however, it seems that the tune has changed and they have been putting up some impressive numbers on offence! Marc Antoine Martin has missed a few games, but has put up the most numbers in the QB position – 10 TDs in the air and 5 (yeah, that number is correct) Rushing TDs!! That’s HUGE! They had a rough go of things, starting off their season against a very strong TONIX team, and then having to face KISS MY HUGS. A small upset against LE ROI DES CARTES was unexpected, but they have since been able to find their stride and put up 4+ TDs a game! I see that it is a bit more difficult for this team to spread the ball to their female receivers, however, Celia Lamarre does have 13 targets, which isn’t insignificant! However, when you Jeanslee Alexis on your team… realistically, why would you throw it anywhere else!? With only 3 games played, Jeanslee has brought in 5 TDs and 185 yards, showing everyone his athletic ability and making a nightmare for defences everywhere! 

Surprisingly though, on defence, I don’t see many BIG plays or players! Rachanny Mich is leading it for the ladies with an INT, but their biggest claim to fame is Jeanslee and Daniel Cajuste’s 3x INTs each. They have only recorded a few PDs and no sacks that I can see… So as much as I’d like to rant and rave about this team, they will need to work a bit harder to diversify themselves and not just really on their 1 or 2 big players! Only twice have they been able to keep other teams to under 4 TDs, with their other games averaging 38 points allowed! It’s a great feat that they have been able to start scoring big, but without being able to stop other teams, every game will end up being a coin toss! I have no doubt they will make the playoffs, but I’m interested to see how far they will actually go!    




Wooo!!! They did it! THE BLACK WOLF has officially clawed their way out of the elimination zone, now the question is, can they keep the momentum rolling and STAY out of it? They were able to get a win from Pierre-Alain Itilus, and despite a recent loss against TONIX, Jeff Gay has stepped in for Rodney Alcime at the QB position. Not to say that Rodney is the sole responsibility for the team, but Jeff Gay has been putting up some impressive numbers with BLACK SHINOBI 2, so hopefully he can recreate that success in CO-ED 2! This also allows Rodney to excel at the position that fits him more comfortably – Receiver! He currently is the #1 target, despite playing 2-3 games as QB. Having the majority of this offences TDs (currently 6) is no small feat, especially when you have great players in Shandy Louis-Jacquet and Gabrielle Poissant, both of whom have over 100 receiving yards and 20+ targets! While the rest of the offence is doing their best to keep up, it is clear that these 3 players are the prime players and have all of the TDs. With Jeff now gaining traction, I’ll be looking to see if he can start spreading the ball a bit more and not only rely on Rodney to score the TDs. 

They haven’t had the easiest beginning to the year, and their schedule seems to get a bit easier in the second half, but ultimately, even though they have struggled on offence, they also haven’t been able to capitalise on their defence either. It has been a struggle to keep their opponents to less than 4 TDs, and most of the time, they allow 30+ points, which makes it even harder for the offence to keep up! However, there have been some great performances against BACK THAT PASS UP and LE ROI DES CARTES, which I must say, I wasn’t expecting! They have great athletes on defence and should not get discouraged by their recent games! Kendely Cassy and Clifdji Solon are working tirelessly to keep the ball out of the other team’s hands, and have come up with 9 PDs together, while Charles-Emile Deveault has been putting pressure on QBs and has come away with 6 sacks! Joyce Généus is showing her defensive prowess by being the only player to come away with 2 INTs, and I have to say, I was super impressed with her performance when the TOTs played BLACK WOLF earlier this season! Despite giving them a lower score now, I do believe that this team can make a lot of things happen in the second season and cause a few upsets in the Playoffs if other teams are careful! I’ll be looking to see if they can win out the rest of their schedule!  




And so we come to TONIX, the team that I’ve been ranting and raving about since the beginning of the season! I feel as though I’ve already said so much about this team, what more is there to say!? David Michaud has been a beast at QB, and despite not using his legs too much, he is still putting up a great TD per game average (currently fighting Sanders for the #1 spot) and his team is scoring 35+ points a game! Offensively, his receivers are getting a bunch of targets (around 20+), with the 5th most targeted receiver being Alexandra Falcon-Korb with 13 targets and still 2 TDs! This offence has everything you could want: multiple receivers at over 100 yards each, both male and female receivers playing a large part – Meggie Gervais has 19 targets, 119 yards, and 5 TDs! 

On the flip side they have yet to allow ANY team to score 4 TDs against them, with their average being 2 TDs allowed per game. I mention below that David Michaud has been tearing it up on both sides of the ball and has been clogging up my weekly picks on Defence, but he isn’t the only player having a great performance! Valentin Chartier has been able to get 4 INT on defence and a handful of tackles, while Alexie Galarneau has also been a menace at the rusher position with 6 sacks so far! I can’t think of a better team so far who deserves the S tier rating, and with a schedule that doesn’t look too challenging for them, I think they may be one of the only teams to stay undefeated for the whole season!  




Ok…. I might officially take David Michaud off the my picks for the next couple of weeks, cause he has been on since like Week 1 (Number of stars represents number of consecutive weeks a player has been chosen for that position). We get it David – You’re a Defensive MACHINE, save some room for the rest of us!

QB (1): Tyler Cousins (BALLS AND DOLLS) – 33 Attempts / 23 Completions (69.69%), 291 Yards, 6 TDs, 1 INT, 0 Sack // 1 Rushing Attempts, 7 Rushing Yards


WR (1): Elio Cariglia (BALLS AND DOLLS) – 13 Targets / 11 Receptions (84.62%), 164 Yards, 3 TDs

WR (2): Chazz Pisanelli (BALLS AND DOLLS) – 8 Targets / 7 Receptions (87.5%), 90 Yards, 3 TDs

WR (3): Gabrielle Poissant (THE BLACK WOLF) – 6 Targets / 5 Receptions (83.33%), 67 Yards, 2 TDs  

WR (4): Kayla Gauthier (WHO’S GONNA CARRY THE BOATS) –  5 Targets / 4 Receptions (80%), 54 Yards, 2 TD


DB (1): ****David Michaud**** (TONIX) – 1 Tackles, 2 INTs, 1 PD, 1 TD 

DB (2): Jeanslee Alexis (SHOW ME YOUR TDZ) – 3 Tackles, 3 INTs 

DB (3): Olivier Mcduff (LE ROI DES CARTES) – 3 Tackle, 1 INT, 1 TD 

DB (4): Cristina Ionescu (MICHAEL SCOTT’S TOTS) – 1 Tackle, 2 INTs  


RUSHER (1): Charles-Emile Deveault (THE BLACK WOLF) – 3 Sacks, 1 PD

RUSHER (2): Jenna Araujo (WHO’S GONNA CARRY THE BOATS) – 5 Tackles, 1 Sacks, 1 INT



What the hell was last week about?! I think I went 2-6 in my predictions or something crazy like that! A few teams got their first win, while dealing upsets to some pretty big names. It’s to the point where I honestly don’t know who to choose this week! We have 5 teams playing twice this week, so I’m expecting a big shake up in the division!   












Prediction Record: 21-11-1


Week 5 is officially behind us and the 2nd half of the season is ramping up! Hope you enjoyed your report cards, the other half should be done next week! If there are upcoming milestones you want me to cover, don’t be a stranger, let me know! If you want to see more accurate info about your teams, your players, your rivalries/history – send them to me (It helps when I know about you)! Also, check out the new episode of Calling the Audible – the official FPF podcast – available on Youtube and …. Probably somewhere else too. And always keep a look out at FPF’s Official Instagram page for updates and exclusive content!