Division A x 5v5: Early Season Struggles and New Kids on the Block

I’m extremely fortunate to be playing on the same squad as the funny and loud-mouthed Matt Kirouac, who suggested to me that some of the guys in the higher divs seemed kind of bored with the articles and the rest of the media content, due to it being too repetitive. He gave me some great suggestions to spice things up with these articles and hopefully get the guys talking about them a little. One idea that really resonated with me was that he believes high div content should be focused on the players, and not as much on the teams. I wrote my previous article in the same vein; highlighting different performances, storylines or questions I had regarding some of the players. He also told me to get people involved and having them participate in the discussion, which is something I plan on doing.

I want to start this week with going over the biggest questions regarding different teams and players that I had for this past week’s games. I want to be as honest as possible, even if that means being harsh. Let’s get onto it.


Who will stop Braves?

The answer is probably no one.

Are KGP‘s early struggles cause for concern?

Um absolutely. 0-3 in Div A. 0-2 in 5v5 and only 12 total points scored. Lose 44-0 to Braves? What is going on?

Can no one really stop Braves? Will KGP figure it out?

Can Dime and Bougie excel in 5v5?

They just beat Party Crashers, the answer is yes.

Are Party Crashers the team to cause troubles for Braves in 5v5?

If they lose to Dime and Bougie, can they really beat Braves? They almost did, but maybe it was a fluke. Or maybe Dime and Bougie is better than was expected. I don’t have a definite answer for this one but for now I’ll go no. I don’t think anyone is touching Braves in 5v5 this season.

Will James Drysdale be available for Braves the rest of the season?

I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him. The truth is it probably won’t matter, Braves are that good in 5v5. They don’t need James Drysdale. On the other hand, it seems Spearhead definitely need him, as Jeff Rosenblatt‘s offense seems to have flattened out without the superstar receiver.

Will Blessed go on a win streak?


Blessed vs. KGP

On Dylan Garber: Will he continue his hot streak and make a push for receiver of the year?

Result: Blessed win 37-28.

Dylan Garber didn’t even show up so there’s that. It was Andrew “Flash” Grant who shined offensively catching 5 passes for 105 yards and 2TDs from Blessed QB Stephen Harripersaud, who had a great bounce back game after losing against Mangoose earlier in the week and after dropping a stinker in Week 2 vs. Party Crashers.

Spearhead vs. Mangoose

On Manu Allard-Roy: With Mangoose probably giving a lot of respect to the other receivers on Spearhead, is it time for Allard-Roy to explode?

Result: Mangoose win 34-14

What is going with Jeff Rosenblatt? He hasn’t been himself to start the year, and this game showed that he’s not going in the right direction at the moment. His inability to use two of his most reliable players in Manu Allard-Roy and Anthony Brisebois proved fatal for his offense. The both of them combined for a measly 5 catches, 29 yards and 0TDs. Rosenblatt simply didn’t let them make plays, and it hurt his team bad. For Mangoose, Nicolas Schaefer kept his fiery start to the season going. It perhaps wasn’t his most prolific game but he threw 5TDs and didn’t throw an interception. Has Schaefer really taken that big of step? Is he ready to enter the elite QB conversation? I’m not jumping the gun just yet, but he’s shown nothing that would prove to the contrary. Way to go Nick.

Party Crashers vs. Spearhead

On Corey Williams: Williams has had a big impact so far for this team and seems to have found a connection with QB Jeanslee Alexis, will he put himself in the conversation for best receivers in the league?

Result: Party Crashers give Spearhead another loss, by a score of 31-26

Williams didn’t have the biggest impact in this one with only 2 catches (44 yards and 0TDs). Instead, we were served with an offensive explosion from Khadeem Pierre, who scored 3 times and picked up 92 yards. Pierre has never really been an offensive dynamo in this league but had probably the best offensive game of his career vs. Spearhead. Perhaps there is some good chemistry to be built between him and Fred Dupuis, who seems to have taken back his spot at QB for the team, which makes sense as you would rather have Jeanslee Alexis receiving passes than throwing them. For Spearhead, it was another disappointing result, scoring only 26 points. Jeff Rosenblatt was unable to score on the final drive to win the game after his defense clutched up and only allowed 6 points in the second half. Kenny Baye and his QB seem to have found a good connection, with the receiver now leading his team in both yards (144) and touchdowns (4).

Can Spearhead bounce back?


Royaume Luminaire vs. Dime and Bougie

On Rory Semerjian: Semerjian is one the most talented receivers in all of FPF, but his QB’s struggles haven’t allowed him to impact the game the way he wants to. Will he explode tonight?

Result: 32-14 for Royaume Luminaire

It was an absolutely pleasant and unpleasant surprise to see Dan Lazzara line up under center for this team. I was first of all very glad to see this man back on the field after his torn bicep injury, but I was also unpleasantly surprised because I knew how well his game would fit 5v5. As soon as I saw him and no Jesse Dupuis I started worrying, and I was right in doing so. While Rory Semerjian had 3 huge game-defining catches, it was the Gomes-Lazzara connection which devastated the Dime and Bougie defense. Going 7/7 for 134 yards and 4TDs as well as getting 1INT and 2PDs on defense, AJ Gomes showed why he is truly the guy. The Dime and Bougie defense still had some flashes thanks to Gab “Michael Jordan” Champagne‘s 2 interceptions and Marvin “Put some shorts on” Steinberg‘s interception and dropped pick.

Is AJ Gomes the best player in FPF?

KGP vs. Braves

On Phil Cutler: Cutler’s first 5v5 game will be against the toughest of opponents. Will his game translate well to the new FPF format?

Result: I’m not even going to put it here because of how bad it was

What a wonderful welcome to 5v5 for Phil Cutler who looked like a deer in the headlights, trying out random plays that all seemed to not want to succeed. This game was an absolute nightmare for KGP and everyone looked defeated. And for good reason. Jo Maheu completed every single one of his passes. All 21 were on the money. It was just too easy for him, as has often been the case this season. Everyone on Braves scored at least a touchdown and it was Serge Pilon Jr. who dominated the most out of everyone. Isiah Allard was just having fun getting 3 sacks and batting down 2 passes. He also added 2TDs, because he might as well. KGP are in big f’ing trouble.

Party Crashers vs. Dime and Bougie

On Jules Regimbald and Marvin Steinberg: It will be the toughest test for Regimbald so far this season, but will he be able to find some chemistry with new addition Marvin Steinberg?

Result: Dime and Bougie upset Party Crashers by a score of 32-28

What a huge win. I’m unfortunately dealing with really annoying shin splints and decided to take the night off. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t think we had much of a chance to win. After all, Party Crashers shut down Flag Moi L’Sac‘s offense and had lost by only 4 points to Braves. Well what do you know? The boys pulled through. Jules Regimbald was elite, throwing for 297 yards and 4TDs. And yes, Regimbald found a connection with Marvin Steinberg who went off for 140 yards and 2TDs on 5 receptions. The defense was also huge in this one with 6PDs and elite defender Nathan Desjardins adding an interception alongside his two passes defended. For Party Crashers, Emile Taillefer and LP Thibodeau both went off for over 100 yards each, but only combined for one TD between them. Just another fun thing to note, the Dime and Bougie roster was 78 total points below the Party Crasher’s roster. Huge upset.

Was Jules Regimbald‘s performance vs. Party Crashers legit?

Division A Power Rankings

Let’s now revisit and update last week’s power rankings, in order to raise some new questions to be answered in the coming week.

#1 Da Braves (last week: #1)

Nothing has changed for this team since last week, they’re still cut and dry the team to beat in Div A.

#2 Mangoose (last week: #4)

I thought this team was gonna be a solid, average team in Div A, but their excellent play through 3 games, beating KGP, Blessed and Spearhead has them rising up the rankings all the way to number 2. Nic Schaefer has been nothing short of elite, and Olivier Suri and Thomas Coutu have been a phenomenal 1-2 punch. They’re still on probation for this #2 spot as they don’t have the experience or the high div pedigree some of the other Div A teams have, but they deserve this spot for now.

#3 Party Crashers (last week: #3)

This defense is still elite and if Fred Dupuis is back at the QB position, that gives them another great offensive weapon in Jeanslee Alexis at receiver.

#4 Spearhead (last week: #2)

It has been a very frustrating season for the team so far, starting 0-3 and the offense going moot, but the squad is too talented to keep this losing streak going. I have faith that Jeff Rosenblatt will turn things around, and hopefully the eventual return of James Drysdale will help in that regard.

#5 Blessed (last week: #6)

Stephen Harripersaud has had an up and down season but had two good performances in Week 3. The defense is creating turnovers, with 6 picks in 4 games, but the truth is their two wins came against the two teams below them. The most surprising player on this team for many has been Alexis Ferrand who has scored 6 times from the snapper position. He will be a player to watch at that position for seasons to come.

#6 KGP (last week: #5)

It hasn’t gone great for KGP so far but they have stayed in all of their games, most impressively in Week 1 vs. DA Braves. They’ve been struggling defensively and just can’t put enough points up on the board.

#7 Wyeth’s Rejects (last week: #7)

The team stays in last place but will have a chance to take KGP’s spot with a win this weekend.

Will Jeff Rosenblatt bounce back?

5v5 Power Rankings

#1 Braves (last week: #1)

Nothing has changed and it probably won’t for the rest of the season.

#2: Party Crashers (last week: #2)

Despite the loss to Dime and Bougie, this team is clearly a team very well suited for 5v5 that will be a very tough opponent for every team they face.

#3: Dime and Bougie (last week: #6)

The huge win over Party Crashers propels this team all the way to #3. Jules Regimbald showed that he can excel in 5v5 and that there is something there between him and Marvin Steinberg. Will the inexperience catch up to them (us)?

#4 The Jamesons (last week: #3)

The team falls by one spot, despite not playing this week. Jeff Rosenblatt‘s struggles in Division A concern me, but they have an elite defense which will create many turnovers.

#5 Flag Moi L’Sac (last week: #5)

They got destroyed 51-20 by Braves but it seems most teams will suffer the same treatment. They have a big revenge game coming up vs. Party Crashers and an easier matchup vs. KGP later in the week.

#6 Royaume Luminaire (last week: #7)

Unless Dan Lazzara plays QB the rest of the season for this team, or Jesse Dupuis figures out 5v5, it might be a long season for them. They have a solid defense, but that will only take you so far if you’re unable to score.

#7 KGP (last week: #4)

I put them #4 last week because we hadn’t seen Phil Cutler play 5v5 yet, which put me in an awkward position for ranking them. Unfortunately for him, it was disastrous and it inspired me no confidence that this team would succeed going forward. Here’s to hoping the team figures it out.

Are Party Crashers the next best thing after Braves?


Division A

Wyeth’s Rejects vs. KGP: Will Ignacio Valdes-Manzanedo be able to limit the turnovers against a struggling defense?

Party Crashers vs. DA Braves: Will the Party Crashers‘ defense finally be the one to slow down DA Braves in A? Khadeem Pierre has 3 interceptions, Ryth Jean-Giraud, Mendel Joseph and Jeanslee Alexis each have 2, while Fritz Cenatus and Jordanson Alexis have 1. They form the best defense in Div A, but stopping Jo Maheu‘s offense has seemed nearly impossible thus far. Clash of Titans.

Mangoose vs. Spearhead: Nic Schaefer vs. Jeff Rosenblatt. The OG vs. the new kid on the block. It will be the biggest test of the season for the Mangoose offense and it’s a great opportunity for Spearhead to show they’re not done just yet.

Is Iggy really ready for Div A?

5v5 Comp

Party Crashers vs. Flag Moi L’Sac: Can Alex Nadeau-Piuze get back on track after the humiliating loss to Party Crashers in Week 2?

KGP vs. Royaume Luminaire: Can AJ Gomes and Rory Semerjian figure out a way to be effective offensively with Jesse Dupuis at QB? Or will we see Dan Lazzara again?

The Jamesons vs. Dime and Bougie: Will Manu Allard-Roy step it up versus his old squad? Who can guard Anthony Brisebois on Dime and Bougie? Can Jules Regimbald put up another stellar performance against another great defensive team?

KGP vs. Flag Moi L’Sac: How is KGP going to stop the combination of Francois Rocheleau Samuel Nadeau-Piuze, and JD Chevalier? What will KGP do with their less than ideal situation at QB?


There you guys have it for this week’s Division A and 5v5 article. Many questions have been raised, but not all of them have been answered. This week’s games feature some great matchups which are sure to clarify the situation regarding some teams.

Thank you for reading!